We have transported HV Transformers and power generation and distribution components across Australia and beyond. We can transport, store and place your transformer and accessories

Our services and capacities include:

  • Accepting and standing out large deliveries, ready for transport
  • Transport of single components up to and beyond 400T
  • Lifting, skating and walking of components to their final position
  • Handling all accessories for each delivery
  • Long term storage


Typical setup for high andf heavy components. The component is saddled in the centre of the long beams or placed directly on the transporter. The definition of a high component is determined by the obstructions enroute to the destination.

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1. HV Transformer for Yallourn 2. HV Transformer for Goulburn

PO Box 271, Penrith NSW Australia 2751
32-36 Lugard St Penrith NSW 2750
Ph: 02 4721 7633
Em: sydney@rja.com.au

PO Box 6072, Burton SA 5110
103-105 Helps Rd Burton SA 5110
Ph: 08 8280 5541
Em: adelaide@rja.com.au

Po Box 271 Penrith NSW 2751
16 Yilen Place, Beresfield NSW 2322
Ph: 02 4721 7633
Em: newcastle@rja.com.au

PO Box 271, Penrith NSW Australia 2751
219 Portland-Nelson Rd, Portland VIC
Ph: 02 4721 7633
Em: sydney@rja.com.au

Rex J Andrews reserves the right to alter this information at any time

Rex J Andrews Pty Ltd makes no warranties, expressed or implied, in relation to the information contained in www.rja.com.au, including but not limited to warranties relating to the accuracy, completeness or applicability of the information, and excludes all liability for any damage, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the use or misuse of the information.

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