Rex J Andrews Pty Ltd is continually evaluating the needs of their clients & efficiencies of their fleet, purchasing, and manufacturing new equipment to meet the demands.
The fleet is diverse enabling RJA the unique mix of transportation options to cater for clients’ specific needs, across town or across the country. No matter how awkward the load, RJA have the capability to assess the task develop engineered solutions to transport your difficult loads.
Not only does RJA have an extensive fleet of Prime Movers & trailer options, catering for on site loading and loading with our reach stackers & crane options. RJA also has extensive jacking & skating services for loads with limited space available for cranes, this service is effective in power sub stations where cranes are not able to service transformer loads due to constraints of room, and live power lines.
Listed in this document are RJA’s fleet units, which outlines the extensive support we can give to clients to get the project completed in the time frame required. RJA can deliver. Click this link to Meet The Fleet
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Girders and long loads are normally transported on dollys and jinkers. We operate a fleet of dollys and jinkers to allow clients to schedule many deliveries at once
Shown below is a typical setup for 65 tonne T-roth girders
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We have many jacking and skating systems developed to meet individual requirements
We have designed, built and used specialized jigs to remove armatures.
We use low pressure hydraulics on our jacking and skating systems and unique imported plastic jacking blocks to reduce hazards.
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Rex J Andrews has moved from 2T pumps to 240T Reclaimer components, Our team has experience in access to underground operations and handling of steep inclines. The sucessful completion of tasks is aided by in depth job planning and hazard assesments. With our online OH&S system we can access information on equipment and personel around the world
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Rex J Andrews has transported many items of plant and equipment, we can transport from simple deck loaded items to complex items that require significant preperation
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We have transported HV Transformers and power generation and distribution components across Australia and beyond. We can transport, store and place your transformer and accessories
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This section covers the equipment used to carry article that is high and is required to be carried low to the ground. This may include vessels, tanks, boilers or wind towers
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We have a large fleet of equipment for transportation of wind farm components. We have moved more than 1100 wind power generators in Australia and overseas, totaling more than 9800 loads at over 300,000 tonnes.
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