The First Tunnel Boring Machines has arrived for the Metro West Project, ready to start on the new 24 km tunnels which will connect Greater Parramatta to the CBD.
The two machines have arrived at The Bays Station site and will be the first in the ground for Sydney Metro West, where they will carve out 11-kilometre twin tunnels from The Bays to Sydney Olympic Park.
These tunnel boring machines (TBMs) include refurbished parts from the mega boring machines used on the Sydney Metro City & Southwest project. The cutterheads, front shields and gripper shields were originally used for the TBMs that dug the metro tunnels from Chatswood to Blues Point.
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RJA loaded the Co2 Pressure Vessels directly from the ship hooks onsite at the Port of Brisbane; loaded onto the 14 x 8 platform trailer to accommodate 130T, 30m long x 4.5m Diameter Co2 Vessel to be delivered to Gibson Island Qld.
The vessels were then placed on beams and stands until time of delivery.
Each of the 2 loads were under escort, 2 x Qld Police cars & 4 x Pilot vehicles to ensure safe passage of the 2 Prime Movers pulling the platform trailer through the suburban streets to its destination.
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September 2021, our team made the 5 day, 1,200km Journey from Collinsville Qld to Kumbarilla Park Qld, transporting a Large Power Transformer (LPT).
When transporting an LPT, there are requirements that need to be met, obtaining permits & submitting routes for approval from the governing body of the roads in that state. Obtaining these permits requires infrastructure inspections of bridges & other obstacles along the way.In this case RJA had to obey bridge compliances of only 2 trucks to be hooked to the load whilst crossing, to ensure the load fell within the weight compliance of these specified structures.
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Lachlan’s Line Pedestrian Bridge is the first of its kind in Australia, embracing an organic Double Helix design. Traversing 170m over the M2 & Delhi Road, connecting Macquarie Park & North Ryde station.
The Helix design varies in diameter the smallest being 5.5m to the widest point of 7.8m wide. It comprises of more than 3,600 unique steel plates.
Rex J Andrews Pty Ltd was commissioned to transport the segments of bridge by long-time client S&L, transporting the four segments from their temporary work site.
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Boco Rock Wind Farm is located 10km south west of Nimmitabel, and 30km north of Bombala, in NSW.
The Windfarm consists of 67 GE 1.7MW units
Rex J Andrews completed the discharge, storage and delivery of all major components to the windfarm. The windfarm was discharged and stored at Eden NSW. All components were transported to Boco Rock some 1000m up from Eden
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Burrinjuck Dam Hydro-Electric Upgrading Project 2000
Scope of Work
The removal of two 38T transformers
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Rex J Andrews P/L has transported over 5000 tonnes of structural steelwork to Kooragang Island terminals in the last 20 years. We have moved some single sections weighing more than 200 tonnes and hundreds of semi and extendable loads from all over Australia to the terminals.
The image below is if the SR2 Slew Deck entering Comorant Road (30m Long, 10m Wide and 15m High, 260 Tonnes Gross Weight) The Faun SLT-50 is towing a 14 line platform trailer
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This project required the movement of one furnace module from Webb Dock, Melbourne to Coolaroo Melbourne, a distance of only 30km. The method chosen was to use the bookend method with purpose built bookends, this allowed the furnace to travel as close to the ground as possible, maximising the furnaces dimensions and volume. After 6 months of preperations the furnace was moved over two nights to its final location.
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The Lake Bonney Wind Farm is located approximately 16 kilometres south of Millicent, and 6 kilometres west of Tantanoola in South Australia.
This project included the transport of tower sections from Adelaide SA and Blades Nacelles and hubs from Melbourne VIC
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Transport of storage vessels from Tomago NSW to Lang Lang Victoria (1200 km)
- 4 x 180T Vessels 4.6m dia 46m long
- 2 x 60T Vessels 4.6m dia 30m long
The vessels were transported using the 999 series platform trailer. The trailer is designed to carry tanks and other vessels lower to the ground. This allows larger diameter tanks to be carried than by conventional means
- Hits: 6645
Snowtown stage two about 190km North of Adelaide South Australia has 90 Siemens turbines utilising permanent magnet generators and direct drive technology.
The 10 SWT 101 turbines have a hub height of 80m and a blade length of 49 m. The 80 SWT 108 turbines have a hub height of 80m and a blade length of 53m.
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The Big Merino "Rambo" is located at Goulburn NSW, the 15m high 97T concrete and steel structure was built in 1985 800 metres from where it is now at the southern freeway exit
Rex J Andrews took on the task of mustering Rambo to his new paddock on 26th May 2007. The scope included the removal of the existing columns to allow access for the transporter, Self loading of the structure, transport and alignment with the new foundations.
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Rex J Andrews was approached during the construction of the new multi story Adelaide Airport car park to solve a vibration isolation problem.
The Vickers Vimy was used for the first offical flight from England to Australia, flown by Ross and Keneth Smith from Adelaide. It resides in a purpose built glass hanger at Adelaide Airport.
- Hits: 6250