Ensure that Rex J Andrews Work Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Policies and Procedures are implemented under your direction. This includes monitoring work quality, health, safety and environment (QHSE) performance and providing strategic direction.
Demonstrate active and visible leadership in QHSE risk management
Set goals to improve QHSE in the form of a QHSE Action Plan.
Include QHSE as the first agenda item of general management meetings. Use this as an opportunity to check progress towards achievement of goals in QHSE Action Plans, review QHSE reports, and request QHSE reports.
Promptly address QHSE issues that are brought to your attention in consultation with those involved or affected.
Take five minutes for an informal “safety conversation” with members of your work group at least once per month. Seek to understand the QHSE risks associated with their work and how these are being managed. Show that QHSE is important to you and your workers will consider it important too.
Include QHSE as a key performance indicator in all position descriptions and performance reviews.
Duty of Care for Owners/Directors
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