- Familiarise yourself with Rex J Andrews Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Policies and Procedures, to ensure you are aware of your personal responsibility for work quality, health, safety and Environment (QHSE) within your areas of authority and influence.
- Ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of staff in your work group and ensure that QHSE risks relating to all activities undertaken are properly identified, assessed and controlled.
- Demonstrate active and visible leadership in QHSE risk management.
- Be familiar with your "top five" QHSE risks.
- Set goals to improve QHSE in the form of a QHSE Action Plan.
- Include QHSE as the first agenda item of general management meetings. Use this as an opportunity to:- review and respond to incident reports, inspection reports, QHSE audit reports etc- consider QHSE aspects of new projects, purchases, refurbishments etc- check progress towards achievement of goals in QHSE action plans- request and receive QHSE reports from managers and supervisors and designated local safety personnel eg. chief wardens, departmental safety officers.
- Ensure that hazards or QHSE risks associated with different jobs, tasks and projects are being formally identified and assessed for risks to the health and safety of those involved. Risk identification and assessment should be done in consultation with those involved or affected.
- Ensure that suitable risk controls are chosen and established within agreed timeframes. These may include competency based training, adequate supervision and adoption of safe operating procedures. Risk controls should be chosen in consultation with those involved or affected.
- Inform staff, affiliates, students and contractors of QHSE requirements and expectations, directing them to relevant information and risk control resources available. This may include local QHSE induction, on-the-job instruction and specific QHSE training.
- Promptly address QHSE issues that are brought to your attention in consultation with those involved or affected.
- Refer QHSE issues that are beyond your control to the relevant manager(s) for their attention, but ensure that interim action is taken to reduce the risks in a practical way.
- Take five minutes for an informal “safety conversation” with members of your workgroup at least once a month. Seek to understand the QHSE risks associated with their work and how these are managed. Show that QHSE is important to you and your workers will consider it important too.
- Include QHSE as a key performance indicator in all position descriptions and performance reviews.
- Appoint, support and seek reports from designated safety personnel eg chief wardens and departmental safety officers. Allow them time to fulfil their QHSE duties and attend training etc.
Duty of Care for Officers/Senior Managers
- Hits: 7363